Koi's day by day Note


Healthy lifestyle and wellness ヘルシーライフと健康維持

I started this Blog in 2019 but I couldn't write much, so I decided I will introduce my fitness and some method to be healthy from 2020.



Recently I've often heard the words of  "The 100-Year Life"!

Lynda Gratton and Andrew Scott who are Professor at London Business School, repeatedly said their book『LIFE SHIFT』.


人生100年時代(じんせいひゃくねんじだい)とは、ロンドン・ビジネス・スクール教授のリンダ・グラットンとアンドリュー・スコットが『LIFE SHIFT(ライフ・シフト)100年時代人生戦略』(東洋経済新報社)で提唱した言葉だそうです。

I have read their book yet I will try to read and let you know.
